Jung Myung Sa

Buddhist Temple

Good Buddhism with Good People for a Better World

Good is it to see the Noble Ones;
to live with them is ever blissful.
One will always be happy
by not encountering fools.

Dhammapada 206

Sunday Dharma Service

10:30 AM (in Korean)

We welcome everyone who would like to experience Korean Buddhism. You might want to arrive before the Service starts.


  1. Thousand Hands Sutra Chanting
  2. Mindfulness of
  3. Pray for Offering
  4. Offering and Paying Homage to Three Jewels
  5. Invocation of Noble Followers
  6. Heart Sutra Chanting
  7. Mindfulness of Noble Followers
  8. Invocation of Blessing
  9. Three Refuges
  10. Five Precepts
  11. Dharma Talk
  12. Prayer for Dedication of Merit
  13. Communal Lunch