Jung Myung Sa

Buddhist Temple

Good Buddhism with Good People for a Better World

  • Overview of Buddhist Meditation

    In this post, we are going to look at the general outline of Buddhist practice. The outline will show the overarching structure, process, and principle of Buddhist meditation, by which one can not only better understand what Buddhism is about, but also understand the commonality that all different kinds of meditations methods and techniques share.…

  • How to Sit for Meditation

    “After the meal, when I have returned from the alms round, I enter a grove. I collect some grass or leaves that I find there into a pile and then sit down. Having folded my legs crosswise and straightened my body, I establish mindfulness in front of me. ” Aṅguttara Nikaya 3:63, translated by Bhikkhu…

  • "Making Buddhism" by Loving-Kindness Meditation.